Hopefully you've found yourself here because you've registered for the 4/507 Women in Tech Seminar (37277 for undergrad, 37278 for grad.) If not, please feel free to follow along anyway.
This will be a one credit course, offered on Wednesdays at 2pm. The workload for this class is light -as one credit should suggest - and any work assigned is intended to provide a better understanding of the issues that we're going to discuss. The class is designed for male and female interaction, so please don't hesitate to attend no matter what your gender.
Grading is pass/no pass only and will be assigned based mostly on attendance. We ask that you miss no more than two classes as our discussions will depend heavily on group interaction.
There is more to Women in Tech than twelve hours can cover, but we'll do our best to shake things up starting on day 1.
Week 1:
The UO CIS program and our gender divide
Week 2:
What's causing this darn gender gap? (Imposter Syndrome, etc.)
Week 3:
Have women always been tech shy? A history of women in tech.
Week 4:
Top Secret Rosies (56 minutes)
Week 5:
How can we conquer this great divide?
(Hint: It's not about the Benjamins)
Week 6:
Inter-gender etiquette (Part 1)
Week 7:
Inter-gender etiquette (Part 2)
Week 8:
What are the women doing in CS now?
Week 9:
Roundtable with current women in CS
Week 10 +:
Open Discussion/Debate